Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mall, Chinatown, Honolulu (statute pedestal)
孫穗芳博士發表演說 僑界代表獻花致敬國父孫女為中山銅像揭幕
(記者 周光世)中國國民黨檀香山總支部和孫逸仙和平教育基金會於十一月十一日(星期日)上午九時在華埠文化廣場河邊公園國父孫中山先生銅像前舉行國父銅像奠基揭幕典禮及獻花儀式。
到場的有檀香山市長代表 Wayne Hashiro、市議員譚鴻章、市府文化藝術署長 Michael Pang、經濟發展署 AmyChung、Tori Latita 等官員。
Dr. Lily Sui-fong Sun, granddaughter of Sun Yat-sen,unveiled a new pedestal for the statue of the Hawaii-educated Chinese revolutionary, at River and N. Beretania streets,during a ceremony yesterday (Deborah Booker).
———— The Honolulu Advertiser November 11, 2007
Old Friend Lily Sun
(Leah Bill photo)
Since appearing on MidWeek’s cover in August 1989, Lily Sun, granddaughter of Sun Yat-sen, the founder of modern China, has kept busy honoring her grandfather’s legacy.She has written two books about his history,dedicated several statues of him in China and lectures about him all over the world.
Lily also is founding president of the Sun Yat-sen Foundation for Peace and Education,which is honoring Sun Yat-sen’s birthday (Nov. 12) with a special ceremony on Nov. 11.Along with her son Charles Wong, vice president of the foundation, they are rededicating the statue of Sun Yat-sen that stands on the corner of North Beretania and River Street. (Lily also has a second son, Alexander, who lives on the island.) We are going to have the Royal Hawaiian Band starting at 8:30 a.m., with ceremonies to begin at 9 with the dedication of lei. We’re inviting the public to participate in the festivities and dedicate double-length lei to Dr.Sun’s statue,” says Charles Wong. “We’re going to have firecrackers and lion dances. I’ve spoken with the organizers for Miss Chinatown and the Narcissus Queen, and they also want to participate.“The statue, which was donated in 1976 by the city of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China, features Sun Yat-sen holding a book, “teaching the people.” The base of the statue was falling apart and was on the verge of being taken down by the city as a safety hazard when Lily’s foundation stepped in and built a new solid granite octagonal pedestal.Her grandfather’s teachings of morality and virtue are inscribed on the pedestal.“I’m very busy,” says Lily, the youngest of Sun Yat-sen’s six grandchildren. “I have given lectures of grandfather’s teachings I think almost a thousand times. This month and last month I went to California twice to give lectures. On Nov. 11,after we rededicate grandfather’s bronze statue,right away Charles and I have to rush to the airport to go to New York. (Chinese community leaders in) New York invited me to give two lectures,one on Nov. 12. I’m always that busy, but I have to slow down because I’m 71.” An injury has slowed down the Ala Moana resident a bit.“I’m a very good calligrapher,” she explains, “I specialize in writing some of grandfather’s famous teachings, but last year I fell down and broke my wrist.” The injury also has made it difficult for Lily to keep up with her piano playing.Meanwhile, the devout Buddhist practices meditation and ontinues to propagate her grandfather’s message.“My grandfather established the first republic country in Asia,” states Lily. “He is the Chinese nation’s pride and dignity.He’s a national hero.”
———Midweek November 7, 2007
(文/記者 高振華)因檀市府無預算,國父外曾孫王祖耀個人出資修竣。在消失數月後,位於華埠文化廣場的孫中山銅像終於又再度回到原位,不同的是銅像此次是矗立在中國的八德、八目以及國父遺囑基座上,國父孫女孫穗芳博士說,「希望能藉由這項安排,以孫中山的國父思想來減少兩岸政治摩擦,以三民主義為立國基礎。」
數月前,國父孫中山先生的外曾孫王祖耀 (Charles Wong) 見到銅像地基瓷磚有些破損,前往測量計劃修補時,恰逢市府拆卸銅像。上前查詢時瞭解到,因年久失修,地基已鬆動。為避免意外事件發生,市府決定拆卸銅像重新整修。因市府本身並無此項預算,要向外界募款。王祖耀得知後與其母商量,認為國父銅像代表的是中國人的希望,不能無限期等待,於是決定個人出資盡早完成。
孫穗芳廿四日表示, 國父在一九一一年推翻滿清帝制、創建中華民國,但目前中華人民共和國只尊稱他為革命先行者,並未認同其「國父」地位。孫穗芳表示,中國必須拋棄外來的馬列思想,以三民主義為立國基礎。她強調,孫中山思想是儒家思想的發展與創新,是一個以和平發展的大同思想,更是克服全球化障礙的思想。為了早日喚醒中國大陸能接受孫中山為中國之父,同時遵奉國父