In celebration of the 131st anniversary of his birth, a new exhibit at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen China Collection was formally opened to the public at a ceremony held in the Kapi`olani Community College Library last month.
Lily Sui-fong Sun, granddaughter of Sun,was in attendance and was recognized for her generous donations to the college in honor of her grandfather. Her support has taken many forms including monetary contributions as well as
the donation of writings, art works and photographs documenting the life and work of her grandfather.
The event, hosted by Provost John Morton,featured remarks by Joyce Tsunoda, senior vice president of the University of Hawai`i and chancellor for Community Colleges. Reflecting on Sun’s special ties to Hawai`i, she said, “The principles of democracy,which he both studied and experienced here, contributed to his formulating the political doctrine of San Min Zhu Yi.” This refers to the three principles of the people: nationalism, democracy and support of people’s rights and livelihood.
“Today, his granddaughter actively carries on his work and promotes the goals of international understanding and cooperation through education,” Tsunoda added. She thanked Lily Sun for her generosity and for the opportunity to have this wonderful Sun Yat-sen China Collection available at Kapi`olani CC.
Lily Sun welcomed the opportunity to speak and said, “The future of China will be a combination of the best of ancient Chinese moral traditions and the best of modern philosophy.” She said that we would reach “the age of great harmony” when the great world community was shared by all. She credited her grandfather with providing “a new framework from which a new China could be constructed.Tragically his ideas were never fully developed,but hopefully they will be in the 21st century.”
Expanding on Sun Yat-sen’s philosophy, Terry Webb, Kapi`olani CC head librarian, said it was significant that Sun equated” … money as the capital of the commercial age and machines, the capital of the industrial age. Were he here today, no doubt he would be fascinated to see that information has become the capital of our current age.”
When Sun died on March 12, 1925, he left as his legacy an unfulfilled vision of a new China in a cooperative world order. He had spent his entire adult life laboring for the cause of revolution and for the creation and preservation of a democratic republic.
His activities at home and abroad to rally support and gain recognition and aid brought rebuff and disappointment. He urged reforms in education,taxation and land holding, and promoted railway and industrial development. Implementation proved difficult, yet he never doubted his cause or abandoned his optimistic vision. The title “Father of the Republic of China” conferred on him in 1940 was a fitting tribute to his dedication and vision.
When he was 13 years of age he joined his brother, Sun Mei, in Hawai`i. He attended ‘Iolani School and 0’ahu College (Punahou).
The display also includes some pieces that are a part of her father’s treasured collection.
- UH Community Colleges December 1997/January 1998
State Attorney General Margery Bronster (left) views the jade collection with Chancellor Joyce Tsunoda.
Chancel lor Joyce Tsunoda ( lef t) and Kapi`olani CC Provost John Morton assist Lily Sun with the fist books of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Collection.
一九九八年十月,孫穗芳博士捐贈夏威夷卡皮奧蘭尼學院「孫逸仙博士亞洲文物收藏」大批珍貴文物。圖為其與夏威夷州眾議院議員蕾•阿胡•伊莎 (Lei Ahu Isa) 合影。
Dr. Lily Sui-fong Sun with Mme. Lei Ahu Isa, State of Hawaii House Representative, at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Asian Cultural Collections, to which she donated significant amount of precious culture relics, Oct. 1998.
In commemoration of Dr. Sun’s 133rd birthday, Dr. Sun Yat-sen China Collection established by Dr. Lily Sui-fong Sun at the Lama library of the Kapi`olani Community College, Honolulu, U.S.,Nov. 1999.