About Dr. Sun Yat-sen
西元 1923 年 民國 12 年 1923 |
一月一日 Jan. 1 |
中國國民黨發表改進宣言,宣布時局主張及民族、 民權、民生之政策。 The KMT announced its reform programs and policies in line with the Three Principles of the People. |
一月二日 Jan. 2 |
在上海召開中國國民黨改進大會。 Sun convened a convention in Shanghai to address KMT reforms. |
一月 January |
討賊軍陸續克復肇慶、三水、廣州;陳炯明逃惠州。 Sun defeated Chen Jiong-ming’s troops. Chen fled to Huizhou in Guangdong. |
一月廿六日 Jan. 26 |
與蘇俄代表越飛發表聯合聲明,認為共產組織及蘇維埃制度均不能引用於中國,因為中國並無可使此項共產制度或蘇維埃制度可以成功之情況。 Sun and Adolf Joffe issued a joint statement, indicating the Soviet system not applicable in China because China does not own the conditions to promise its success. |
一月廿六日 Jan. 26 |
發布《和平統一宣言》,要求直、奉、皖、西南四派暫時劃疆自守,互不侵犯。 Sun issued The Declaration on Peaceful Uni cation and demanded the four major warlords not to offend each other. |
一月廿九日 Jan. 29 |
著《中國革命史》。 Sun published The Chinese Revolutionary History. |
二月廿一日 Feb. 21 |
抵廣州設立大本營,續行大元帥職;廿四日發表實行裁兵通電。 Sun arrived in Guangzhou to establish the general headquarters and resumed as the generalissimo. 3 days later, he called for disarmament. |
三月二日 Mar. 2 |
大本營正式成立,十七日任命蔣介石為大本營參謀長。 The general headquarters was officially established and Chiang Kai-shek was appointed as the Chief of General Staff. |
五月九日 May 9 |
陳炯明據東江復叛;月底先生偕蔣介石親臨敵前,破其部於廣州。 Sun and Chiang Kai-shek led the revolutionary forces to quell the revolt headed by Chen Jiong-ming in Dongjiang, Guangdong. |
六月十三日 Jun. 13 |
北京政變,黎元洪被逐,十五日先生致函國會議員,勸告力持正義。 A coup d’etat took place in Beijing and President Li Yuanhong was ousted. Two days later, Sun telegraphed Parliament members in Beijing to ensure justice is maintained. |
八月十六日 Aug. 16 |
蔣介石奉命赴俄考察。 Chiang Kai-shek was instructed by Sun to visit the Soviet Union. |
八月廿五日 Aug. 25 |
陳炯明部得北洋軍閥接濟,全力來犯,先生親睹諸軍迎擊。 Chen Jiong-ming, with the support of northern warlords, launched another whole-scale attack. Sun commanded the battle at the frontline. |
十月六日 Oct. 6 |
蘇俄代表鮑羅廷 (Borodin) 至廣州;廿五日聘其為中國國民黨組織教練員。 Michael Borodin, Representative of the Soviet Union, arrived in Guangzhou and was appointed as the advisor on party organizing by KMT. |
十月九日 Oct. 9 |
以曹錕賄選,下令予以討伐。 Sun ordered his army to dispel Cao Kun, who won the presidential election through bribery. |
十一月 November |
陳炯明陷石龍,廣州危急;十九日擊潰陳逆叛軍。 Chen Jiong-ming’s troops seized Shilong and Guangzhou was in danger, but they were defeated on Nov. 19. |
十一月 November |
發表《中國國民黨改組宣言》。 Sun published The Declaration on KMT Reform. |
十一月廿六日 Nov. 26 |
中國國民黨決定設立「國民軍軍官學校」。 The KMT decided to establish a military academy. |
十二月 December |
發表《關於粵海關關稅問題宣言》,抗議美、英干涉中國內政。 Sun issued a declaration on the Guangdong Customs and protesting against the intervention of US and Britain in China’s internal affairs. |
西元 1924 年 民國 13 年 1924 |
一月廿日 Jan. 20 |
在廣州召開中國國民黨第一次全國代表大會。 Sun convened the First National Congress of the KMT in Guangzhou. |
一月廿七日 ~ 八月廿四日 Jan. 27 ~ Aug. 24 |
抱病於廣東高等師範學校(今廣州中山大學校址)演講三民主義,共講民族與民權主義各六講、民生主義四講,未竟。旋即北上謀求全國和平統一。 Under the condition of illness, Sun lectured on the Three Principles of the People (6 lectures on Nationalism, 6 lectures on People’s Rights, and 4 lectures on People’s Livelihood) at the Guangzhou Secondary Normal School (today’s Sun Yat-sen University). To seek peaceful unification, he travelled north for the peace talk and was unable to finished the lectures on People’s Livelihood. |
四月十二日 Apr. 12 |
公布《國民政府建國大綱》。 Sun published The Fundamentals of National Reconstruction. |
六月十六日 Jun. 16 |
黃埔軍官學校正式舉行開學典禮。 The opening ceremony of the Huangpu Military Academy was held. |
六月 June |
中國國民黨中央監察委員鄧澤如、吳敬恒等提出彈劾共產黨。 Deng Ze-ru, Wu Jing-heng and others on the KMT advisory board proposed to impeach Communist members within the KMT. |
七月七日 Jul. 7 |
中國國民黨發表黨務宣言,重申容共原則悉以三民主義為唯一之途徑。 The KMT reaffirmed accepting the People’s Three Principles is the precondition under which the Communists would be accommodated. |
八月二日 Aug. 2 |
令設立中央銀行。 Sun demanded the establishment of Central Bank in Guangzhou. |
八月 August |
「廣州商團」事件歷時二月餘,蔣介石率學生軍於十月敉平。 After more than 2 months, the Guangzhou Trading Society incident completely subdued in October by the Huangpu Military Academy student army led by Chiang Kai-shek. |
九月 September |
親赴韶關督師北伐,並發表《北伐宣言》。 Sun went to Shaoguan to command the Northern Expedition and published The Northern Expedition Declaration. |
十月廿三日 Oct. 23 |
馮玉祥等發動北京政變,迫曹錕下野。 Feng Yu-Xiang staged a coup d’etat and forced Cao Kun to step down. |
十一月十三日 Nov. 13 |
應馮玉祥等之邀北上,共商和平統一大計;行前並發表《北上宣言》,提出召開國民會議及廢除不平等條約之主張。 At the invitation of General Feng Yu-xiang, Sun visited Beijing to discuss the strategy for peaceful unification. Before his journey, Sun issued a declaration calling for the convening of National Conference and the abolishment of all unequal treaties. |
十一月廿一日 Nov. 21 |
由上海取道日本赴天津,廿八日在日本神戶演講《大亞洲主義》。 Sun departed from Shanghai to Tianjin, via Japan. While making a stop in Kobe, on Nov. 28, Sun delivered a speech on Pan-Asianism. |
十二月四日 Dec. 4 |
抵天津,受到盛大歡迎。因勞累並受風寒,身體感覺不適。 Sun, warmly welcomed in Tianjin, turned ill due to cold and exhaustion. |
十二月卅一日 Dec. 31 |
扶病至北京,發表《入京宣言》,及對歡迎民眾之書面談話。 Sun arrived in Beijing with ailment. He issued The Declaration on Entering Beijing. |
西元 1925 年 民國 14 年 1925 |
一月 January |
堅持速開國民會議以解決國事;段祺瑞卻主張召開善後會議,先生遂提出「兼納人民團體代表」及「最後決定之權還諸國民會議」兩條件。 Sun demanded the immediate convening of National Conference to which Duan Qi-rui responded with a settlement meeting. Sun agreed with 2 conditions — inclusion of civil organization representatives and National Conference having the right to make ultimate decisions. |
一月廿六日 Jan. 26 |
入北京協和醫院接受手術治療。 Sun received medical operation at the Peking Union Medical Hospital. |
二月一日 Feb. 1 |
陳炯明叛軍乘先生北上臥病,西犯廣州,革命政府於本日東征。 Chen Jiong-ming attacked Guangzhou again, and the revolutionary forces launched the Eastern Expedition to fight back. |
二月十八日 Feb. 18 |
自協和醫院移居鐵獅子頭胡同行轅。 Sun moved from the hospital to Tieshizitou Alley in Beijing. |
三月七日 Mar. 7 |
東征軍攻克潮州、汕頭。 The revolutionary forces won the battles in eastern Guangdong. |
三月十一日 Mar. 11 |
簽字於國事遺囑及家事遺囑。 Sun signed his wills for both the state and his family. |
三月十二日 Mar. 12 |
九時卅分逝世。 Sun passed away at 9:30 a.m. |
三月十五日 Mar. 15 |
大殮。 Sun’s remains were put into the coffin. |
三月十九日 Mar. 19 |
移靈於北京中央公園社稷壇,供各界瞻仰致敬。 Sun’s remains were moved to the Central Park (today’s Zhongshan Park) in Beijing for the public to pay tribute. |
四月二日 Apr. 2 |
奉厝於北京西山碧雲寺。 Sun’s remains were moved to Biyun Temple in the Fragrance Hills in the west suburbs of Beijing. |
四月十六日 Apr. 16 |
廣東省政府將香山縣改名為中山縣;永豐艦改名為中山艦,以資紀念。 To honor Sun, the Guangdong government renamed Sun Yat-sen’s hometown Xiangshan County as Zhongshan County and the Yong Feng Warship as Zhong Shan Warship. |
五月十六日 May 16 |
中國國民黨一屆三中全會決議接受先生遺囑。 The Third Plenary Session of the First Central Committee of the KMT formally adopted Sun’s will. |
西元 1929 年 民國 18 年 1929 |
六月一日 Jun. 1 |
安葬於南京紫金山中山陵。 Sun’s remains were buried on the Zijin Hill in Nanjing. |
西元 1940 年 民國 29 年 1940 |
四月一日 Apr. 1 |
國民政府明令尊稱為「中華民國國父」。 The Republic Government promulgated Sun as the “Founding Father of the Republic of China.” |