About Dr. Sun Yat-sen
西元 1895 年 清光緒 21 年 1895 |
一月 January |
偕鄧蔭南等同志返香港謀革命。 Sun, together with Deng Yin-nan and others, returned to Hong Kong to launch the revolutionary campaign. |
二月廿一日 Feb. 21 |
設興中會總會於香港「乾亨行」。 Sun set up the Xing Zhong Hui Hong Kong branch, under the camou age of Qian Xiang Shop. |
三月十六日 Mar. 16 |
決定起義於廣州,並用青天白日旗。 Guangzhou Uprising was plotted and the “Blue Sky with a White Sun” ag was used as the revolutionary army’s ag. |
十月廿六日 Oct. 26 |
首次起義於廣州,以事泄及接濟未至而失敗。 The details of Guangzhou Uprising were leaked to the government and led to its failure. |
十一月七日 Nov. 7 |
陸皓東等殉難,孫中山則受到通緝。 Lu Hao-dong was executed and Sun was put on the wanted list by the Qing government. |
十一月 Novermber |
斷髮改裝偕陳少白等赴日本,旋組織興中會分會於橫濱。 Sun and Chen Shao-bai ed to Japan and established a Xing Zhong Hui branch in Yokohama. |
西元 1896 年 清光緒 22 年 1896 |
一月 January |
再赴檀香山。 Sun revisited Honolulu. |
六月 June |
自檀島赴美國。 Sun traveled to the mainland of the United States. |
九月 September |
自美國赴英國。 He visited London. |
十月十一日 Oct. 11 |
被滿清駐英國公使館誘捕,十二天始脫險,撰《倫敦蒙難記》。 Sun was kidnapped by the Chinese Legation Officials in London. This 12-day episode is detailed in his Kidnapped in London. |
十一月 November |
在倫敦應英國漢學家翟理斯之請,撰寫〈自傳〉。 At the invitation of a British sinologist, Mr. H. A. Giles, Sun wrote his autobiography. |
西元 1897 年 清光緒 23 年 1897 |
一月 ~ 七月 January ~ July |
在倫敦大英博物館研究並考察歐洲政治,完成三民主義思想體系。 Sun studied European political systems in the British Museum and completed the framework for his Three Principles of the People. |
七月 Jul. 8 |
自倫敦經加拿大,八日抵日本橫濱,旋創中西學校。在日本結識宮崎寅藏等友人。孫中山此時化名「中山樵」,孫中山因此得名。 Sun returned to Yokohama via Canada and established the East-West School there. Sun befriended Miyazaki Torazo and other Japanese. Sun began to use the pseudonym Nakayama (Zhongshan Qiao) and ever since he was known as Sun Zhongshan. |
十二月 December |
命陳少白成立興中會分會於臺北。 Sun asked Chen Shao-bai to establish a Xing Zhong Hui branch in Taipei. |
西元 1898 年 清光緒 24 年 1898 |
春夏 Spring ~ Summer |
來往於日本東京、長崎、神戶、馬關、橫濱等地, 結識菲律賓起義軍代表彭西。 Sun traveled in-between Tokyo, Nagasaki, Kobe, Simonoseki and Yokohama. He acquainted Mario Ponce, the Representative of the Philippine Independence Revolutionary Army. |
秋冬 Autum ~ Winter |
與亡命日本的梁啟超會談聯合反清,未成。 Sun sought to form anti-Qing coalition with Liang Qichao then exiling in Japan but failed. |
西元 1899 年 清光緒 25 年 1899 |
春夏 Spring ~ Summer |
繼續在日本做革命聯絡策動,並為菲律賓起義 軍購運軍械。 Sun continued to plot anti-Qing movements in Japan. He also as- sisted the Philippine Independence Revolutionary Army with weapons purchase and transport. |
十二月 December |
陳少白受命創辦《中國日報》於香港。 Sun instructed Chen Shao-bai to inaugurate the newspaper China Daily in Hong Kong. |
冬 Winter |
哥老會、三合會首領會於香港興中會,議立興 漢會,奉先生為會長。 The heads of Ge Lao Hui (Brotherhood Society) and San He Hui (Trinity Society) met Xing Zhong Hui in Hong Kong and decided to form Xing Han Hui with Sun as its president. |
西元 1900 年 清光緒 26 年 1900 |
春 Spring |
北方發生「義和團」之亂,導致「八國聯軍」 侵華事件。 The Boxers’ Rebellion erupted in several northern Chinese provinces and led to the invasion of the Allies of the Eight Nations. |
春夏 Spring ~ Summer |
先後在日本、香港、越南、新加坡等地從事武裝起義的準備活動。 Sun made preparations in Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singa- pore for armed uprisings in China. |
六月 June |
偕宮崎寅藏自日赴港,香港政府禁止其登岸。 Sun, together with Miyazaki Torazo, tried to visit Hong Kong, but their entry was denied. |
七月 July |
再赴港,於船上召集會議,決定惠州起義計劃。 Sun traveled again to Hong Kong. During the voyage, the Huizhou Uprising was decided and planned. |
九月 September |
抵臺灣,建立指揮中心於臺北,策劃惠州起義。 Sun arrived in Taipei and set up the Huizhou Uprising Headquarters. |
十月八日 Oct. 8 |
鄭士良起義於惠州三洲田。 Zheng Shi-liang, a close friend of Sun, commanded the uprising in Sanzhoutian, Huizhou. |
十月廿二日 Oct. 22 |
因日本政府阻撓,致無從接濟,惠州之役指揮官鄭士良忍痛解散所部,是為第二次起義之失敗。 As the needed supplies and ammunition were blockaded by the Japanese government, Zheng Shi-liang was forced to disband his men. The second uprising led by Sun failed. |
十月廿八日 Oct. 28 |
史堅如謀炸兩廣總督德壽,失敗被捕,後殉難。 Shi Jian-ru was arrested and executed for his unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the Governor General of Guangdong and Guangxi. |
西元 1901 年 清光緒 27 年 1901 |
一月 January |
前往日本。 Sun arrived in Japan. |
一月十日 Jan. 10 |
興中會同志楊衢雲在香港遇刺殉難。 Yang Qu-yun, co-founder of the Xing Zhong Hui in Hong Kong, was murdered. |
八月廿七日 Aug. 27 |
鄭士良病逝於香港。 Zheng Shi-liang passed away in Hong Kong. |
西元 1902 年 清光緒 28 年 1902 |
十二月 December |
由日本赴安南,參觀河內博覽會,並在河內成 立興中會分會。 Sun went to the Hanoi World Exposition and founded a Xing Zhong Hui branch in Hanoi. |
西元 1903 年 清光緒 29 年 1903 |
一月廿八日 Jan. 28 |
洪全福舉事於廣州惜未成功。 Hong Quan-fu staged an aborted uprising in Guangzhou. |
七月 July |
自河內至橫濱。 Sun left Hanoi for Yokohama. |
八月 August |
創青山革命軍事學校於東京。 Sun set up a revolutionary military academy in Tokyo. |
九月 September |
離日赴檀香山。 Sun left Japan for Honolulu. |
西元 1904 年 清光緒 30 年 1904 |
一月 January |
加入洪門致公堂。 Sun joined the Hong Men Society. |
春 Spring |
自檀香山赴美,改組致公堂辦《大同日報》,與保皇黨筆戰,掃除保皇黨勢力。 Sun visited the mainland of the United States. He re-organized the Hong Men Society and published the Da Tong Daily through which he launched serious debates with the conservatives. |
八月 August |
在紐約用英文發表告歐美人士書,題名《中國問題之真解決》,駁斥了帝國主義散布的「黃禍論」,宣告:「中國現今正處在一次偉大的民族運動的前夕,將會出現新紀元的曙光。」 Sun published The True Solution to the Chinese Problem in New York to debunk the “yellow peril” theory spread by imperialists and proclaim that China is on the eve of a great national movement and would eventually emerge as a guard of world peace. |
冬 Winter |
離美赴英。 Sun left the United States for Britain. |
西元 1905 年 清光緒 31 年 1905 |
春 Spring |
自倫敦至比京布魯塞爾,號召學生組織革命團體。 Sun visited Brussels, where he called on overseas Chinese students to form revolutionary organizations. |
夏 Summer |
於巴黎、柏林召集留學生成立革命組織。 Sun toured Paris and Berlin to rally overseas Chinese students to form revolutionary organizations and join the revolution endeavor. |
六月 June |
由法國經新加坡,七月抵日本橫濱。 Sun made a stop in Singapore on his way from France to Japan. He returned to Yokohama in July. |
八月廿日 Aug. 20 |
與華興會、光復會等在東京組成中國同盟會,先生被推舉為總理。Hua Xing Hui (Chinese Restoration Society) and Guang Fu Hui merged to form the Tong Meng Hui (Federal Association of China) in Tokyo with Sun selected as its president. | |
九月廿四日 Sep. 24 |
吳樾炸清廷五大臣於北京車站,以身殉難。Wu Yue was killed at the scene when attempting to bombve Qing ministers at the Beijing Railway Station. | |
十一月廿六日 Nov. 26 |
同盟會機關報《民報》在東京發刊。先生撰發刊詞,正式提出民族、民權、民生三大主義。 Min Pao (People’s Journal), the organ of Tong Meng Hui, was pub- lished in Tokyo. In his inaugurating editorial, Sun, for the first time, announced and advocated Three Principles of the People. |
十二月八日 Dec. 8 |
同盟會書記陳天華,因日本徇清使要求取締中 國留學生的抗清活動,激憤投海自盡。 Chen Tian-hua, secretary of Tong Meng Hui, drowning himself in the sea to protest against the Japanese government’s action, at the request of the Qing Ambassador, to arrest Chinese students en- gaged in anti-Qing activities. |