About Dr. Sun Yat-sen
西元 1919 年 民國 8 年 1919 |
二月廿日 Feb. 20 |
南北和議在上海開幕。 The negotiation meeting between the northern and southern govern- ments took place in Shanghai. |
五月四日 May 4 |
北京大學等校學生為爭取山東主權問題舉行示威活動及「五四運動」。 To demand the sovereignty in Shandong, students in Beijing launched the May 4th Movement and demonstrations to protest against the transfer of privileges enjoyed by Germany to Japan. |
五月 May |
在上海發表《護法宣言》。 Sun published The Declaration on Safeguarding the Constitution in Shanghai. |
五月十三日 May 13 |
南北和議破裂。 The North-South negotiation failed. |
五月廿日 May 20 |
《孫文學說》出版。 Sun published The Doctrine of Sun Wen. |
八月一日 Aug. 1 |
創《建設》雜誌於上海,開始發表《實業計劃》。 Reconstruction Magazine inaugurated in Shanghai and carried in its first issue Sun’s The International Development of China. |
八月七日 Aug. 7 |
以廣州軍政府受制於桂系軍閥,電國會辭總裁職,並申討桂系軍閥。 The Military Government was manipulated by the Guangxi warlords. Sun resigned from his post and denounced the Guangxi warlords. |
九月 September |
在上海住所召集會議,商討國民黨改進事。 Sun called a meeting at his Shanghai residence to address the reform of the KMT. |
十月十日 Oct. 10 |
通告改組中華革命黨為中國國民黨,並公告總章。 Sun announced the restructuring of the Chinese Revolutionary Party into the Kuomintang and published its new constitution. |
十二月 December |
分電湘、鄂、川、粵等省負責同志及軍事將領以討桂。 Sun telegraphed military governors of Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan and Guangdong to quell the Guangxi warlords. |
西元 1920 年 民國 9 年 1920 |
三月 March |
著《地方自治開始實行法》。 Sun completed The Initial Implementation of Local Autonomy. |
六月三日 Jun. 3 |
與唐紹儀、伍廷芳、唐繼堯發表宣言,申討盤踞廣州、濫用名義之桂系軍閥。 Sun, together with Tang Shao-yi, Wu Ting-fang and Tang Ji-yao, reprimanded the Guangxi warlords. |
八月十六日 Aug. 16 |
陳炯明奉命率粵軍在漳州誓師討桂。 Chen Jiong-ming, acting on Sun’s order, commanded the Guangdong Army in Zhangzhou, Fujian to quell the Guangxi warlords. |
九月廿一日 Sep. 21 |
朱執信殉難於虎門。 Zhu Zhi-xin was killed in Humen, Guangdong. |
十月廿九日 Oct. 29 |
粵軍攻克廣州。 Guangzhou was recovered by the Guangdong Army. |
十一月 November |
修改《中國國民黨規約》並制定《中國國民黨黨章》。 Sun revised the KMT Policy and Procedures and completed the KMT Constitution. |
十二月廿九日 Dec. 29 |
抵廣州恢復軍政府與非常國會。 Sun arrived in Guangzhou to restore the Military Government and ex- traordinary session of the Parliament. |
西元 1921 年 民國 10 年 1921 |
四月二日 Apr. 2 |
非常國會議決取消軍政府。 The extraordinary session of the Parliament decided to dismiss the military government. |
四月七日 Apr. 7 |
非常國會通過《中華民國政府組織大綱》,並選舉先生為中華民國大總統。 The Parliament passed the Organization Guidelines for the Republic of China and elected Sun as the president. |
五月五日 May 5 |
宣誓就任中華民國大總統,正式政府成立。 Sun was sworn in as the President of the Republic of China and the government was formed. |
五月廿八日 May 28 |
命各軍分路進討廣西軍閥陸榮廷,九月全省底定。 Sun ordered his various forces to quell Lu Rong-ting, one of Guangxi warlords, and had the order of the province restored in September. |
西元 1921 年 民國 10 年 1921 |
十月八日 Oct. 8 |
向國會提出北伐案。 Sun proposed a northern expedition program to the Parliament. |
十月十日 Oct. 10 |
出版《實業計劃》。 Sun published The International Development of China. |
十二月四日 Dec. 4 |
抵桂林設大本營。 Sun established general headquarters in Guilin, Guangxi. |
十二月十日 Dec. 10 |
對駐桂各軍演講《軍人精神教育》。 Sun delivered a speech to his troops in Guangxi on “Cultivating the Soldiers’ Spirit.” |
十二月廿三日 Dec. 23 |
共產國際代表馬林抵桂晋見。 Sun met with Maring, representative of the Communist International. |
西元 1922 年 民國 11 年 1922 |
一月 January |
大本營自桂林移設韶關。 Sun moved the general headquarters from Guilin in Guangxi to Shao- guan, Guangdong. |
二月三日 Feb. 3 |
下令北伐,以李烈鈞軍攻江西,許崇智軍出湖南。 Sun ordered the launch of the Northern Expedition, instructing Li Liejun and Xu Chong-zhi to attack Jiangxi and Hunan. |
二月廿七日 Feb. 27 |
在桂林舉行北伐誓師典禮。 The Northern Expedition Pledge Ceremony was held in Guilin. |
三月 March |
以陳炯明阻撓北伐,自桂林回師,四月抵廣州。 Sun’s Northern Expedition army pulled back from Guilin due to Chen Jiong-ming’s obstruction and arrived in Guangdong in April. |
五月六日 May 6 |
離廣州至韶關督師,北伐軍入江西。 Sun left Guangzhou for Shaoguan and inspected his forces there. The Northern Expedition troops advanced to Jiangxi. |
六月一日 Jun. 1 |
因陳炯明部在廣州製造不安,親回廣州鎮撫。 Sun returned to Guangzhou because of the insurgence plotted by Chen Jiong-ming. |
六月十一日 Jun. 11 |
北方政局因直奉戰爭而發生變化;徐世昌於六月二日辭大總統職後,本日由黎元洪繼任。 Wars broke between warlords in the north. President Xu Shichang of the Beijing government resigned on Jun. 2 and Li Yuanhong succeed- ed as the president. |
六月十六日 Jun. 16 |
陳炯明擁兵叛變,先生脫險抵海軍司令部,指揮海軍討逆。 Chen Jiong-ming rebelled in Guangzhou. Sun fled to the Navy Headquarters and commanded the Navy to launch counter-attacks. |
六月廿三日 Jun. 23 |
遷「永豐艦」,廿九日蔣中正聞訊自浙赴難抵粵。 Sun embarked on the Yong Feng Warship. On Jun. 29, Chiang Kai-shek boarded the ship to accompany Sun. |
七月十日 Jul. 10 |
率「永豐」等艦猛攻叛軍,進駐白鵝潭。 Sun commanded the Navy fleet to bomb the rebellions and to stationed at the Baietan (White Goose Pool). |
八月九日 Aug. 9 |
因北伐軍回師失利,離粵赴滬,十四日抵上海,十五日發表宣言討伐陳炯明。 Northern Expedition troops retreated in defeat. On Nov. 14, Sun went to Shanghai where he issued an declaration denouncing Chen Jiongming on the next day. |
八月廿五日 Aug. 25 |
蘇俄代表越飛派人晋謁。 Sun met with Adolf Joffe, the representative of the Soviet Union. |
九月 September |
召開會議,商討中國國民黨改進事。 Sun convened a meeting to discuss the reform of the KMT. |
十月 October |
派許崇智、鄒魯分東西兩路以討陳。 Sun ordered Xu Chong-zhi to attack Chen Jiong-ming from the east, and Zou Lu to act from the west. |
十二月 December |
駐滇、桂軍討陳,先後克泉州,梧州。 Sun’s troops in Yunnan and Guangxi attacked Chen Jiong-ming and recovered Guangzhou and Wuzhou. |