About Dr. Sun Yat-sen
西元 1912 年 民國元年 1912 |
一月一日 Jan. 1 |
抵南京就任中華民國臨時大總統,頒行陽曆。 Sun arrived in Nanjing to assume the post of Provisional President. He announced that China would use the world calendar. |
二月十二日 Feb. 12 |
清帝溥儀退位。 Pu Yi, the last Qing emperor, announced his abdication. |
二月十三日 Feb. 13 |
辭去臨時大總統職,向參議院推薦袁世凱繼任大總統。 Sun presented his resignation and recommended to the Provisional Parliament Yuan Shikai be the Provisional President. |
二月十四日 Feb. 14 |
參議院通過選舉袁世凱為臨時大總統。 The Provisional Parliament accepted Sun’s resignation and elected Yuan as the Provisional President. |
二月十五日 Feb. 15 |
於南京舉行慶祝共和成立典禮,並率文武百官祭明孝陵。 Sun headed the ceremony to celebrate the founding of the Republic of China and later led government officials to visit the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum. |
三月十日 Mar. 10 |
袁世凱在北京先行就任第二任臨時大總統。 Yuan Shikai assumed the post of the second Provisional President. |
三月十一日 Mar. 11 |
頒布《中華民國臨時約法》。 The Provisional Constitution is promulgated. |
四月一日 Apr. 1 |
解臨時大總統職,旋游皖、贛、鄂、粵、冀、晋、魯、浙等省。 Sun officially terminated his duties as the Provisional President and began his lecture tour across the country. |
八月廿四日 Aug. 24 |
應袁世凱之邀抵北京,留京一月,與袁晤談十三次。 At the invitation of Yuan Shikai, Sun arrived in Beijing, where he stayed for a month and held 13 discussions with Yuan. |
八月廿五日 Aug. 25 |
中國同盟會改組為國民黨,被選為理事長,令宋教仁代理。 Tong Meng Hui was reorganized as Kuomintang and Sun, elected as the executive chair, appointed Song Jiao-ren as his delegate. |
九月十一日 Sep. 11 |
受任籌劃全國鐵路督辦之職。 Sun was appointed to plan the national railway network. |
九月廿五日 Sep. 25 |
與袁世凱、黃興、黎元洪協定政綱八條。 Sun, Huang Xing, Yuan Shikai and Li Yuanhong worked out the “Eight-Point Agreement on Party Operations”. |
十月三日 Oct. 3 |
自北京巡視太原、山海關、濟南、青島等地後,至上海。 Sun surveyed existing railways in Shanxi, Hebei, and Shandong and ended his trip in Shanghai. |
十月十日 Oct. 10 |
發表《中國之鐵路計劃與民生主義》。 Sun published National Railway Construction Plan and Principle on the People’s Livelihood. |
十月十四日 Oct. 14 |
成立中國鐵路總公司於上海,展開築路計劃與 對外合作交涉。 Sun established the Chinese General Railway Corporation in Shanghai to develop construction plan and seek international cooperation. |
十二月 December |
通電袁世凱主張錢幣革命。 Sun telegraphed Yuan Shikai to propose a monetary reform. |
西元 1913 年 民國 2 年 1913 |
二月十一日 Feb. 11 |
由上海啟程往日本,為實行鐵路計劃,尋求外資之合作。 Sun departed for Japan to inspect railway construction and seek Japanese investment. |
三月廿日 Mar. 20 |
袁世凱遣凶刺殺宋教仁於上海車站,廿二日宋不治身亡。 Song Jiao-ren was assassinated at the Shanghai Railway Station. The assassination was allegedly under Yuan Shikai’s instruction. |
三月廿三日 Mar. 23 |
驚聞刺宋案,自日兼程返國,廿五日抵滬,召集同志會商,主張立即起兵討袁。 Shocked by Song Jiao-ren’s assassination, Sun, then in Japan, returned immediately back to Shanghai and argued that KMT should take an immediate military action against Yuan Shikai. |
四月廿七日 Apr. 27 |
袁世凱違法向五國銀行團簽約大借款。 Yuan Shikai approved huge loans from the Five-Power Banking Consortium without legally endorsed by the Parliament. |
六月 June |
國民黨籍江西都督李烈鈞、廣東都督胡漢民,安徽都督柏文蔚,相繼被袁世凱免職。 Three KMT military governors — Li Lie-jun of Jiangxi, Hu Han-min of Guangdong, and Bo Wen-wei of Anhui were dismissed from their posts by Yuan Shikai. |
七月十二日 Jul. 12 |
命李烈鈞在江西湖口起兵討袁,二次革命開始。 南京、上海、安慶、廣州、福建、湖南、重慶等地繼起,至九月失敗結束。 Marking the beginning of the Second Revolution, Sun ordered Li Lie-jun in Jiangxi to launch a crusade against Yuan Shikai, which was followed in Nanjing, Shanghai, Anqing, Guangzhou, Fujian, Hunan and Chongqing. The revolution was suppressed by Yuan in September. |
西元 1913 年 民國 2 年 1913 |
八月十八日 Aug. 18 |
經臺北抵東京。 Sun arrived in Tokyo via Taipei. |
九月廿七日 Sep. 27 |
籌組中華革命黨。 Sun planned to organize the Chinese Revolutionary Party. |
十月十五日 Oct. 15 |
袁世凱通緝先生及二次革命首要。 Yuan Shikai ordered the arrest of Sun and principals of the Second Revolution. |
十一月四日 Nov. 4 |
袁世凱下令解散國民黨。 Yuan ordered the dissolution of KMT as a political party. |
西元 1914 年 民國 3 年 1914 |
一月十日 Jan. 10 |
袁世凱明令解散國會,復於二月廿八日解散各省議會。 Yuan Shikai ordered the dissolutions of the Provisional Parliament and, later on February 28, all provincial assemblies. |
六月廿三日 Jun. 23 |
中華革命黨在東京舉行選舉大會,先生被推為總理。 At the congress of the Chinese Revolutionary Party convened in Tokyo, Sun was elected the party’s chairman. |
七月八日 Jul. 8 |
中華革命黨正式成立,旋在國內外進行討袁。 The Chinese Revolutionary Party was formally found and immediately launched crusades against Yuan Shikai in China and abroad. |
七月廿八日 Jul. 28 |
歐戰爆發。 World War I broke out in Europe. |
九月一日 Sep. 1 |
發表中華革命黨宣言。 Sun promulgated the Manifesto of the Chinese Revolutionary Party. |
九月廿日 Sep. 20 |
開革命方略討論會於東京,定青天白日滿地紅旗為國旗。 A meeting on revolution strategy was convened in Tokyo and the White Sun in Blue Sky over Red Land flag was selected as the national flag. |
九月 September |
日本藉口對德宣戰,攻占我山東。 Japan declared war against Germany and invaded China’s Shandong Province, which was leased to Germany at that time. |
西元 1915 年 民國 4 年 1915 |
一月 January |
日本向袁政府提出「廿一條」要求。 Japan put forth the “21 Demands” to the Yuan government. |
五月九日 May 9 |
袁世凱承認日所提之「廿一條」要求,舉國恥之。 Yuan’s government accepted the “21 Demands,” triggering off strong protests in the country. |
八月 August |
楊度等組織「籌安會」。 Yang Du, Yuan’s follower, organized an association to make Yuan emperor. |
夏末 Summer |
秘密指示在上海、青島、廣州及陝西三原等地籌設中華革命軍各軍軍部。 Sun ordered his followers in Qingdao, Guangzhou and Sanyuan in Shanxi to set up headquarters of the Chinese Revolutionary Army. |
九月十八日 Sep. 18 |
通告申討袁世凱。 Sun openly condemned Yuan Shikai. |
十月 October |
在東京與宋慶齡女士結婚。 Sun married Mme Soong Ching-ling in Tokyo. |
十二月五日 Dec. 5 |
陳其美在上海策動「肇和」兵艦起義。 Chen Qi-mei led soldiers on the S. S. Zhao He to stage a mutiny. |
十二月十二日 Dec. 12 |
袁世凱允僭帝位。 Yuan Shikai declared himself emperor. |
十二月廿五日 Dec. 25 |
唐繼堯、蔡鍔、李烈鈞在雲南組成「護國軍」討袁。 In Yunnan, Tang Ji-yao, Cai Eh and Li Lie-jun formed the Protecting Constitutional Government Army to fight against Yuan Shikai. |
十二月卅一日 Dec. 31 |
袁世凱布告改明年為「洪憲」元年。 Yuan Shikai announced 1916 the initial year of the Hongxian dynasty. |
西元 1916 年 民國 5 年 1916 |
一月始 January |
中華革命軍相繼在粵、魯、蘇等地起義討袁。 Chinese Revolutionary Party launched anti-Yuan crusades in Guangdong, Shandong and Jiangsu. |
三月十三日 Mar. 13 |
命居正為中華革命軍東北軍總司令,通告冀、魯、晋各省同志協力討袁。 Sun appointed Ju Zheng as the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Chinese Revolutionary Army and ordered Hebei, Shandong and Shanxi to join the effort to expel Yuan Shikai. |
三月廿二日 Mar. 22 |
袁世凱被迫撤銷帝制。 Yuan was forced to revoke his imperial restoration. |
三月廿三日 Mar. 23 |
袁世凱頒令廢止「洪憲」年號。 Yuan issued the declaration of nullity of Hongxian dynasty. |
西元 1916 年 民國 5 年 1916 |
四月廿七日 Apr. 27 |
自日本返回上海指揮討袁。 Sun returned from Japan to Shanghai to lead the anti-Yuan movement. |
五月九日 May 9 |
發表討袁二次宣言。 Sun issued the second anti-Yuan manifesto. |
五月十八日 May 18 |
袁世凱遣人刺殺陳其美於上海。 Chen Qi-mei was murdered out of Yuan Shikai’s order. |
六月六日 Jun. 6 |
袁世凱憤恚卒。 Yuan Shikai died. |
六月九日 Jun. 9 |
發表《規復約法宣言》。 Sun issued the Manifesto on Provisional Constitution Restoration. |
六月十三日 Jun. 13 |
電令各地革命軍止戰。 Sun ordered the Chinese Revolutionary Army to cease fire. |
六月廿九日 Jun. 29 |
黎元洪繼任大總統,遵先生之主張頒令遵元年約法,續行召集國會。 Li Yuanhong succeeded as president and adopted Sun’s suggestion to restore the Provisional Constitution and Parliament. |
西元 1917 年 民國 6 年 1917 |
二月廿一日 Feb. 21 |
著《民權初步》。 Sun published the Basics of People’s Rights. |
五月十日 May 10 |
段祺瑞受日本策動對德宣戰,脅迫國會通過參戰案。 Duan Qi-rui, encouraged by the Japanese, declared war on Germany and forced the Parliament to endorse the declaration. |
六月六日 Jun. 6 |
電西南各省討逆救國。 Sun cabled south-western provinces to expel the bandits. |
六月十三日 Jun. 13 |
黎元洪受張勛逼迫,下令解散國會。 Li Yuanhong was forced by Zhang Xun to dismiss the Parliament. |
六月 June |
在上海運動海軍護法。 Sun mobilized the Navy in Shanghai to defend the Constitution. |
七月一日 Jul. 1 |
張勛擁清廢帝溥儀復辟。 Zhang Xun reseated the last emperor of the Qing court. |
七月四日 Jul. 4 |
發表《討逆宣言》。 Sun issued the Manifesto on Expelling the Bandits. |
七月十七日 Jul. 17 |
抵廣州倡導護法。 Sun arrived in Guangzhou to rally for the defense of the Constitution. |
八月廿五日 Aug. 25 |
國會開非常會議於廣州。 An extraordinary session of the Parliament was convened in Guangzhou. |
九月一日 Sep. 1 |
非常國會選舉先生為大元帥。 Sun was elected generalissimo by the Parliament. |
九月十日 Sep. 10 |
就大元帥職,宣言戡亂護法。 Sun assumed as generalissimo and issued a declaration on quelling rebellion and safeguarding the Constitution. |
十月七日 Oct. 7 |
下令北伐,護法戰役開始。 Sun ordered the Northern Expedition, i.e., the Crusade to Protect the Constitution. |
西元 1918 年 民國 7 年 1918 |
四月 April |
國會非常會議受桂系軍閥壓迫,謀改組軍政府。 The Parliament forced by warlords in Guangxi to reorganize the military government. |
五月四日 May 4 |
通電辭大元帥職,並發表宣言。 Sun announced his resignation as generalissimo. |
五月廿日 May 20 |
國會非常會議選舉先生及岑春煊等七人為軍政府總裁。 The Parliament’s extraordinary session elected a directorate of seven members, including Sun. |
五月廿一日 May 21 |
發布辭大元帥職,離粵赴滬,從事著作。 Sun resigned and departed for Shanghai to concentrate on writing. |
八月廿日 Aug. 20 |
發表《告海外同志書》,主張重訂黨章,促進黨務。 Sun published an open letter to his comrades advocating that KMT should revise its constitution and enhance party functions. |
十月廿四日 Oct. 24 |
新就北京政府總統職之徐世昌提出和議,軍政府旋應之。 Xu Shi-chang, the new President of the Beijing government, proposed a peaceful negotiations which was accepted favorably by the Guangzhou Military Government. |
十二月 December |
在上海撰《孫文學說序》。 Sun completed the writing of Preface to The Doctrine of Sun Wen in Shanghai. |