About Dr. Sun Yat-sen
西元 1866 年 清同治 5 年 |
十一月十二日 Nov. 12 |
誕生於廣東省香山縣(今中山縣)翠亨村。 Sun was born in Cuiheng Village, Xiangshan (today’s Zhongshan) County, Guangdong Province. |
西元 1872 年 清同治 11 年 |
入村塾啟蒙。 Sun entered a traditional private tutor school. |
西元 1879 年 清光緒 5 年 |
六月 June |
到夏威夷茂宜島茄荷蕾埠孫眉開設的商店當店員。後入盤羅河學校習算術等科。 Sun arrived at Kahulu on Maui, Hawaii, where he was employed by his brother Sun Mei as a shop attendant and later enrolled in a primary school. |
秋 August |
就讀於檀香山意奧蘭尼書院習英文。 Sun attended Iolani School in Honolulu to study English. |
西元 1882 年 清光緒 8 年 |
七月 July |
畢業於意奧蘭尼書院。 Sun graduated from the Iolani School. |
西元 1883 年 清光緒 9 年 |
春 Spring |
改入奧阿厚學院 ( 現名普納賀學校 )。 Sun transferred to the Oahu College (today's Punahou School) in Honolulu. |
夏 Summer |
奉兄德彰公命返鄉。 Instructed by his brother Sun De-Zhang, Sun went back to hometown in China. |
秋 Autumn |
赴香港入拔萃書院,年底加入基督教。 Sun entered the Diocesan Home in Hong Kong. Around the end of the year, Sun converted to Christianity. |
西元 1884 年 清光緒 10 年 |
春 Spring |
轉學香港中央書院(現名皇仁學院)。 Sun transferred to the Queen’s College in Hong Kong. |
五月 May |
娶盧夫人慕貞。 He married Ms. Lu Mu-zhen. |
十一月 November |
再赴檀香山。 Sun went to Honolulu again. |
西元 1885 年 清光緒 11 年 |
四月 April |
自檀香山歸國。 Sun returned back to China from Honolulu. |
六月 June |
中法戰爭清廷戰勝卻屈辱求和,與法簽訂「天津條約」,割讓安南;先生目睹此一情況乃決志傾覆朝廷、創建民國。 After the Qing Court won the Sino-French War but signed the humiliating Tianjin Treaty and ceded Vietnam to France, Sun determined to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and build the republic. |
夏 Summer |
畢業於中央書院。 Sun graduated from the Queen’s College. |
西元 1886 年 清光緒 12 年 |
入廣州博濟醫院附設醫科學校習醫。遇三合會鄭士良與之訂交,開始鼓吹革命。 Sun enrolled in the Canton (Pok-Tsai) Hospital Medical College, where he met Zheng Shi-liang of the Triad and began advocating his revolution ideas. |
西元 1887 年 清光緒 13 年 |
一月 January |
轉入香港西醫書院,鼓吹革命益力。 Sun transferred to the College of Medicine for Chinese in Hong Kong and increased his efforts in advocating revolution ideas. |
西元 1888 年 清光緒 14 年 |
三月 March |
父達成公卒,享年七十六歲。 Sun’s father Sun Da-cheng passed away at the age of 76. |
西元 1890 年 清光緒 16 年 |
在香港讀書時,與楊鶴齡、陳少白、尢列倡言革命,時人稱為「四大寇」。 孫中山曾寫信給已退職的香山縣籍清朝官員鄭藻如,信中提出學習西方、改造中國的主張。這封《致鄭藻如書》是迄今發現的孫中山最早的作品。 Sun developed close comradeship with classmates Yang He-ling, Chen Shao-bai and You Lie. Four of them were nicknamed the “Four Desperados.” In his letter to a retired official, Zheng Zao-ru, who was a native of his hometown, Sun pointed out that China should learn from the West and reform itself. |
西元 1891 年 清光緒 17 年 |
十月 October |
子孫科(哲生)誕生。 Sun’s son, Sun Fo (Zhe-sheng), was born. |
西元 1892 年 清光緒 18 年 |
七月 July |
以第一名畢業於西醫書院。畢業後在澳門鏡湖醫院當醫師。 Sun graduated from the College of Medicine for Chinese, Hong Kong, with the most outstanding records and started his internship at the Kiang Wu Hospital in Macao. |
十二月 December |
設「中西藥局」施醫贈藥於澳門。 Sun opened the West-Orient Pharmacy in Macao. |
西元 1893 年 清光緒 19 年 |
春 Spring |
遷設藥局於廣州,改名「東西藥局」,藉醫術掩護革命。 Sun renamed his pharmacy as East-West Pharmacy and moved it to Guangzhou as a camouflage for his revolutionary campaign. |
西元 1894 年 清光緒 20 年 |
年初 Spring |
在鄉間用十幾天時間草擬《上李鴻章書》,論述了「富強之大經,治國之大本」在於「人能盡其才,地能盡其利,物能盡其用,貨能暢其流」。 After staying more than 10 days in the countryside, Sun completed drafting his proposal to Li Hong-zhang, in which he stated that the essential principle of statism for development lies in full utilization of human, land, and natural resources and free circulation of commodities. |
夏 Summer |
棄醫,偕陸皓東至天津上書李鴻章,旋游歷北京、武漢、觀察形勢。 Sun quit medical practice and went to Tianjin with Lu Hao-dong to present his proposal (see above) to Li Hong-zhang. He then traveled through Beijing and Wuhan to survey the situation in China. |
十月 October |
自滬經日本赴檀香山。 Sun visited Honolulu again. |
十一月 Nov. 24 |
廿四日在檀香山創立興中會。 Sun established the Xing Zhong Hui (Revive China Society) in Honolulu. |